Back to brows Ive never had mine waxed threaded I pluck I do my own I dont think Id trust anyone to do them apart from my self but I have heard of this hd brows..? they really seem to know what their talking about but for the most part im happy the way mine are, I guess Im pretty lucky my brows are pretty thick I only pluck the top the bottom and the start once a week at the most following my natural shape, I dont know about you but why gurls over pluck I do not know then they wonder why they have to draw them on?!? unless thats the look your going for then so be It but personally I think it looks stupid. I know some people are less fortunate who have very fine brows but drawing them or..? or even worse shaveing them of!?! are you mad!!!!! no need what so ever.
Heres a step by step on how I do my own, If you think im doing this wrong or whatever then fair enuff you have your opinion but this is how i do them my self this will or wont work for some but for me it does.
Step 1 Pluck brows, i kinda just follow my natural shape plucking the hairs I dont wont mostly on the top, for anyone who Is interested In what I use to pluck I have the tweezerman tweezers.
Step 2 I defo prefer useing powder to a pencil I think pencils look to fake, to apply the colour to the brows I use a 266 small angled brush my mac witch Is perfect for brows, dont overload the brush with colour.
Step 3 Define the start of your brows a little, were your eye starts this is were your brows should start.
Step 4 Now define the top of your brows if you wont more of an angel to your browns angel the brush more.
Step 5 The tip/end of your brows should finish were your eye does if you take a brush and angel it at the side of your eyes thats where your brows should end, for me this Is were my hairs are the finiest, well less off.
Step 6 Now I set the brows useing mac's brow set in show-off clear coloured its up to you, this keep the brows In place mine can have a mind of their own lol.
An their we go brows done ive tryed to keep It simple as poss hope this helps guys :D. Oh and If anyone knows of Hd brows In the Oldham/Manchster area let me know, would love to see what they would do with mine.
You have amazing brows, I envy you! Thank you for the tutorial (: