I feel really unfinished without blush naked even well i guess i could say that for lips and eyes but :PPPPPPPPPPPP not so into pink blushes i love a bronzey cheek or a sort of natural flush look i guess you could call it i duno i only have Nars and Mac i really need to step outer the box and venture into other brands what im i missing out on gurls..? I adore Nars blushes but at 20.20 a pop arrrrrrrr but you get a fair amount and the colour pay off is fab so in the long run its prob worth it. Ive bin really trying not to buy makeup these past few mouths and its so hard!!!! i dont need it i just wont it i bet your all thinkin the same thing ha i dont need i just wont :D come on tho its hard to resist, i no a few blushes id defo like to get my hands on Madly and Douceur by Nars Melba and Margin by Mac lets hope i win the loto eh lol :D or maybe seeing as its Valantines this Monday Jay my bf mite treat me wishful thinking we will find out...

Left to Rite
Love Joy Nars** Prim & Propper Mac** Style Mac** Sin Nars** Gingerly Mac** Peachtwist Mac** Sunbasque Mac** DollyMix Mac**
Omg, I've just done a post similiar this one love!
I proper love blush too, and bronzer :)
I've also done a review on MAC Margin - it's one of my favourite MAC blushers ever, it's so gorgeous! :)
Please can you do a post on all your bronzers?
Loving the look of Gingerly and Style.. popped on my list ;) xx
ReplyDeleteSin and Style are my faves too! :)
ReplyDeletelove your blushes :) i really want to try Nars blushes :) xx
ReplyDeleteprim & propper is one of my favs too!! & margin is a MUST HAVE!! xoxoxo :)
i really like the colours the pink ones my fav .. Hi, just discovered your blog! I am a new follower-great post! ..Check out my blog, lets follow each other....