Sunday, 17 June 2012
St Tropez Spray Tan the dark one!!!
Hey guys back with another spray tan!! not sure if my heart is in this anymore trying to find time to constantly update is so hard!! so yea a big thumbs up to those who post daily!! i wish i could honestly.
Not much to update really ive had surgery again on my scars from my breast enlargment my scars were a mess!! so ive had scar revision, i didnt want to post them online to put people off, S**T happens i was very unlucky but their 10 times better now so i will defo post some pics up ive been useing bio oil and it seems to be really helpin even tho ive only been useing it 3 weeks, will say it again its the best thing ive ever done and i dont regret it even tho i have had problems but all is fixed now thats what matters im on the mend!!.New hair aswell :D seein what its like on the lighter side luvin it!! up keep is a pain tho really dont no how you blondes cope!.
Any way back to the post :) Life is beter tan!! dont shoot me lol its just my opinion :), St Tropez spray tan being my fav i always thought when they would do a darker version and guess what they have its soooooo dark!!! and i mean dark!, not sure how long its been out for but ive recently just had one, i will be completly honest im not sure i like it as much as the regular one i have but im not sure if the girl put far to much on i was like dripping in the stuff lol id never had a spray tan done of this girl before so i was abit unsure to how it would turn out, Well i walked in white i walked out a very dark shade of brown!! was so ovious and i got even darker as time went on left on a good 12 hours, the more you leave it on the darker it will go i think they say minimum is 4 or 6 hours..? before showering.
After sleeping in the tan i showerd looked like id been roleing round in mud!, the bath was brown you need to shower to wash the quide colour of even if it does look abit streaky patchy it wont be when you wash it of your left with an even tan, you still get the same result as the regular colour but obviously this one is alot darker.
I do love bein tand but not sure if this was abit much for me, i do have 2 coats of the lighter colour and that works for me fine if your fair skind id try the regular 1st if youve got a base tan and wont to go darker try the darker one?!?! See what you prefer..?!?
Another thing also this seemed to be alot harder to get off..? didnt seem to fade aswell..? not sure if thats down to haveing to much on or what did nouthing different to what i would do usually.
O and dont sleep on white sheets whatever you do lol :DDDDDDD sorry i dont have meny pics but you get the idea!!.
My next spray tan will be a Sienna X this friday actually excited!! getin hyper for a spray tan is this normal lol wonder if i'll like it more then sttropez?!?.
WARNING!! beware of skin yes skin and underwear lol !!!!!!! will follow as left on for 12 hours then after showering.
After leaving on...
After showering the quide colour of...
Saturday, 18 February 2012
laurens way spray tan 8% dha love
Before i start yes!! their will be pics of my body dont like it get off my page this is about a full body spray tan!! yes this means head to toe. After posteing my St Tropez post a few people got mad about me posteing pics of my body..? I mean really!?!? Get over it!!.
Rant over lol let's get back to what this post is really about. I'd put this up with a St Tropez spray tan and that's saying something St Tropez is very well known as I'm sure you all know. If your a fan of Laurens Way self tanner products I promiss your'll love this.
Going back to Laurens Way self tans i do have the lotion, im not sure if this is ment to be an instant tan wear when you shower it comes of or one that last?!? i found soon as i had showerd colour just came off witch i dont mind at all if im just wanting a quick tan, but yea im not sure wether its an instand or what, the colour is gorgeous no orange in site its very golden/olive as pics will show.
Back to the spray tan as soon as it was applied the colour started to develop instantly witch i love golden goddess in minuets, i do usually leave a good 10-12 hours before showering no nasty smell i actually kinda like the smell after a spray tan i dont know but thats just me lol altho when i have used laurens way lotion their is a far more grater smell witch aint to pretty.
Anyway i was absolutly thrilled in the morning you would of thought id been away on hol, obviously the quide colour does come of in the shower but its still just as dark after youved dryed of, so no need to worry.
It did not dry my skin out at all didnt cling to my elbows kneews hands ect most tell tale signs of a false tan if you dont get it rite, this includes preping your skin before haveing a spray tan also, dont shave or wax the day of a tan dont exfoliate on the day either moisterise a good week before everyday not on the day of your tan. It lastd a good week makeing sure you take care oviously moisturise daily exfolaite once or twice lightly pat your skin after showering avoid baths you know the drill, it faded very well i wasnt left with a horrible patchy mess witch i despise!!
Enough dribble ha heres the piccies in order really cant tell a differance tho to be fair.
After ive left it on for 10-12 hours....

After showering....

Id really try this out if your a fan of spray taning it is cheaper then a St Tropez spray tan the salon i go charges 27£ for a full body the Laurens Way was 15£ for a full body with a mobile beautican but i spose you can charge whatever you please.!? for 15£ tho you cant complain i will defo be haveing another for that specail nite out :D this is a fab tan!! I did recently ask on the Laurens Way page on facebook do they do a darker tan and they do!! So I'm really hopeing to try that out soon as I can.
Rant over lol let's get back to what this post is really about. I'd put this up with a St Tropez spray tan and that's saying something St Tropez is very well known as I'm sure you all know. If your a fan of Laurens Way self tanner products I promiss your'll love this.
Going back to Laurens Way self tans i do have the lotion, im not sure if this is ment to be an instant tan wear when you shower it comes of or one that last?!? i found soon as i had showerd colour just came off witch i dont mind at all if im just wanting a quick tan, but yea im not sure wether its an instand or what, the colour is gorgeous no orange in site its very golden/olive as pics will show.
Back to the spray tan as soon as it was applied the colour started to develop instantly witch i love golden goddess in minuets, i do usually leave a good 10-12 hours before showering no nasty smell i actually kinda like the smell after a spray tan i dont know but thats just me lol altho when i have used laurens way lotion their is a far more grater smell witch aint to pretty.
Anyway i was absolutly thrilled in the morning you would of thought id been away on hol, obviously the quide colour does come of in the shower but its still just as dark after youved dryed of, so no need to worry.
It did not dry my skin out at all didnt cling to my elbows kneews hands ect most tell tale signs of a false tan if you dont get it rite, this includes preping your skin before haveing a spray tan also, dont shave or wax the day of a tan dont exfoliate on the day either moisterise a good week before everyday not on the day of your tan. It lastd a good week makeing sure you take care oviously moisturise daily exfolaite once or twice lightly pat your skin after showering avoid baths you know the drill, it faded very well i wasnt left with a horrible patchy mess witch i despise!!
Enough dribble ha heres the piccies in order really cant tell a differance tho to be fair.
After ive left it on for 10-12 hours....
After showering....
Id really try this out if your a fan of spray taning it is cheaper then a St Tropez spray tan the salon i go charges 27£ for a full body the Laurens Way was 15£ for a full body with a mobile beautican but i spose you can charge whatever you please.!? for 15£ tho you cant complain i will defo be haveing another for that specail nite out :D this is a fab tan!! I did recently ask on the Laurens Way page on facebook do they do a darker tan and they do!! So I'm really hopeing to try that out soon as I can.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Get Naked!!!
Heyyy :D yes I have been quiet, feel free to shout abuse at me ha :D Ive been away on hols to get away from the dump I call England!!, we went to Cancun in Mexico, loved it even tho we had a week of rain some bloody tropical storm!! would only happen to me that lol, didnt put me of hopeing to go back next year March April May time, spring brake Is ment be the best time to go, anyone been over at that time...?Newhoo met some fab people alot of who were american, luv you guys the words bonkers and party hard come to mind lol, so differnt to english people Its werid, like you live of another planet or something. I will get some pics up at somepoint another destination to defo vist. Well anyway before I get carried away, Ive been after the very well know Naked palette by Urban Decay no way was I paying the ridiculous amount of money people wanted on ebay 50£ no chance, so I was shocked to see the pallete In the In flight magazine on the plane going to Mexico and at 25£ we all know everything is cheaper tax free of course I fought BARGIN!! I actually could shop their all day. I managed to get by bf Jase to buy me It all I have to do Is put the sad face on and It seems to work :DDDDDDD only jokein :p, I was over the moon with It I knew It wouldnt dissipoint I actually used it more then I used my Mac shadows thats all I own and use, so I even shocked my self really, the pigment Is fantastic they blend really well and the colours are gorg!! so meny differnt looks you can pull off even the pallete its self is beautiful. One thing I dont really like Is the eye primer.? I find It really wet like water I dont feel It does anything I defo prefer Mac paints feels like your actually putting something onto the skin. An essay is forming so i shall move on!!! still playing around with the pallette loveing the bronzey gold tones recently I dont know It Its cause ive been away or what but yea here It Is:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Face Products used
Prep And Prime Mac**
Studio Fix Fluid Foundation for anyone who wonts to know what colour ive used a mix of Nc30 and Nw44 Mac**
Full cover concealer under the eyes Make Up Forever**
Select Sheer Pressed Powder**
Bronzer In Refine Golden Mac** outer proportions of face and across forhead down the nose and swipe across the cheeks and chin Mac**
To contour the cheeks Harmony blush Mac** follwed by Peachtwist blush Mac**
Hilight Albatross By Nars**
Eye Products used
Bare Canvas Paint as a base Mac**
Sin e/s on the lid Urban Decay**
Naked e/s in the crease
Sidecar e/s over the Naked e/s but keeping more to the outer part of the eye dont do right through the crease Urban Decay**
To darken the outer crease slightly take Buck e/s and blend blend blend
Take Naked e/s again for the highligh under the brown bone, then Virgin e/s use at the highest point under the brow.
Bobbi Brown Long Where Gel eyeliner top lash line bottom water line.
Carbon e/s under the bottom lashes Mac**
Finish with Lancome Hypnose
Lip Products used
Lip balm
Sheen Supreme lipstick in Gotta Dash! Mac**
VinylGloss in Cystal Clear Rimmel**

Face Products used
Prep And Prime Mac**
Studio Fix Fluid Foundation for anyone who wonts to know what colour ive used a mix of Nc30 and Nw44 Mac**
Full cover concealer under the eyes Make Up Forever**
Select Sheer Pressed Powder**
Bronzer In Refine Golden Mac** outer proportions of face and across forhead down the nose and swipe across the cheeks and chin Mac**
To contour the cheeks Harmony blush Mac** follwed by Peachtwist blush Mac**
Hilight Albatross By Nars**
Eye Products used
Bare Canvas Paint as a base Mac**
Sin e/s on the lid Urban Decay**
Naked e/s in the crease
Sidecar e/s over the Naked e/s but keeping more to the outer part of the eye dont do right through the crease Urban Decay**
To darken the outer crease slightly take Buck e/s and blend blend blend
Take Naked e/s again for the highligh under the brown bone, then Virgin e/s use at the highest point under the brow.
Bobbi Brown Long Where Gel eyeliner top lash line bottom water line.
Carbon e/s under the bottom lashes Mac**
Finish with Lancome Hypnose
Lip Products used
Lip balm
Sheen Supreme lipstick in Gotta Dash! Mac**
VinylGloss in Cystal Clear Rimmel**
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Tigi you must have a sence of humor to use our products
For the past six months or so Ive been a huge fan of the Tigi Range, they have something for every one Tigi Bed Head, Tigi Catwalk, Tigi S Factor, Tigi Rockaholic, Tigi B, Tigi Colour, Tigi Love Peace Plant.
Each Range have their own products Im sure you all know what Im talking about!! no need to ramble their products speak for them selves. Their In hair salons for a reason!!, here a few of my faves what I use daily when I wash style etc.

So I'l start with what I use to wash my hair, Ive bin switching between the two Brunnette Goddess and the Self Absorbed.
I'd say I love the Brunnette Goddess a little more this smells gorg I wish they invented like smell o vision! lol, Their both just as good tho one being for Colourd hair and the other for Mega Nutrient. Im not to fusy what shampoo and conditioner I use most do the same I just want clean smooth shiny hair.
What Tigi say about their product
Brunnette Goddess Shampoo Enriched with Powerful Nutrients & Shine
Feed your inner goddess! Love being a brunette! Nutrient-rich formula gives ultimate shine and smoothness. Deliciously rich fragrance, goddess-like lather. Natural sunflower extracts protect against colour fading and harmful UV rays. Brunettes do it Better!.
Brunnette Goddess Conditioner Enriched with Powerful Nutrients & Shine
Feed your inner goddess! Our liposome delivery system releases nutrients Into your hair. Soy and wheat proteins retain moisture and revitalize shine. Panthenol strengthens your hair to help resist breakage and reduce split ends. Brunettes do It beter!.
What Tigi say about their product
Self Absorbed Mega Nutrient Shampoo
Power up as you shampoo! SELF ABSORBED mix of mega nutrients get out-of-shape or chemically treated hair physically fit. Flex your newfound strength. Flaunt the shine and body. You've worked hard to look this good. (Well, not really, but we won't tell!)
Self Absorbed Mega Nutrient Conditioner
Take two minutes to get a little Self Absorbed! Mega nutrients energize lazy, ho-hum hair. Plump up the body and shine. Work out the tangles and dry ends. Feed out-of-shape or chemically treated hair what It needs.

After ive washed by hair I leave It till Its damp then I use the Bed Head Small Talk 3-in-1 Thickifier Energizer Stylizer, how cute Is the bottle first of! :D lol and the smell blueberrys!!!!! I can tell a huge dif In my hair If I dont use It. Soon as ive put It through my hair I flip my hair upside down and blow dry my hair till dry volume body done!
What Tigi say about their product
Thickifier- adds body and volume. Energizer-gives life to limp hair. Stylizer- defines separates and controls. Blah, blah, blah..
Adds shine and controls frizz
Thermal protectant
Light to medium hold and manageability
To use Work In damp hair and style

Styleling my hair If I feel I need that bit of an extra lift I use this Tigi S Factor Body Booster Plumpling Spray. I apply it directly to my roots get my round blow drying brush get the hair dryer lift and curl untill I feel Ive achieved what I wonted. Ive not tryd this all over my hair yet maybe I'll give It a go.
What Tigi say about their product
This hair plumping spray gives big, soft, moveable body while providing protection from damage caused by heat and daily styling. Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein helps keep hair conditioned and repairs damage.
Use all-over for soft, moveable body or personalize the lift In your style by applying directly to the roots. May also be used as a second day re-styling product.

When useing my flat iron Heat Defender. I use this Tigi S Factor Flat Iron Shine Spray amazing product!! makes a massive diff to my hair when going through with my straingners and after, the shine smoothness this is a must!!. And again this smells yummy!.
What Tigi say about their product
This high tech thermal protectant provides a soft shine with a healthy finish while styling with a flat iron and also protects from daily UV rays. Vitamins A&E nourish the hair while acting as antioxidants to protect the hair from environmental damage.

For the most part I use this Tigi S Factor Smoothing Lusterizer Defrizzer & Tamer when I've done straighting my hair to keep frizz down, but I do sometimes use this after Ive washed my hair I do find I get through my hair better when I've applied this, cheak your hands when youve used this you will have beautiful hands lol theirs a real nice shimmer to the hair your'll know what I mean :D. Oh and I've you love strawberrys your'll love this.
What Tigi say about their product
Smoothing Lusterizer Is our most luxurious product and Is designed to lock In the hair’s natural moisture while humectants control fly-a-ways and tame frizz caused by humidity. This beautiful shimmer styling lotion contains mica. The ideal product for thick, porous hair.
Use daily In wet or dry hair

We all need some sort of treatment for our hair, I came across this Tigi Wonderful tonight Overnight Treatment for Damaged, Dry and Depleted Hair In Need of Intense Repair, and thought wow!! I need this. After haveing my hair striped by my self and at the salon coloured to meny times I cant even count Im defo sure my hair Is screaming out for some love!! I used this Thursday Its now Sunday and my hair still feels smooth its shiny less straw like then It would usually. If I remember I have a brain like a goldfish I try to use this once a week. This comes in a cute little box with a leaflet inside witch tells you more about the ingredient just have a look up on Keravis!! I dont think your be dissipointed.
What Tigi say about their product
Our dreaming hours are vital in order to regenerate our body and mind. But imagine if you could regenerate your hair at the same time... Well now you can. NEW Wonderful Tonight Overnight Treatment Is specially formulated to rejuvenate dry, damaged, depleted hair in need of intense repair - whilst you sleep.
Wonderful Tonight contains KERAVIS™, a miracle ingredient which Is proven to triple the strength of damaged hair. KERAVIS™ Is fused together with our luxury complex (also found In the Diamond Dreams range). Diamond dust and crushed pearl provide brilliant shine •• Champagne extract intensely moisturises and provides antioxidants •• Cashmere extract smoothes and softens to control frizz and flyaways.
Simply apply a small amount of product to dry hair before going to bed •• Work through the hair, concentrating on ends and dry areas until product Is absorbed •• Sweet dreams! •• Shampoo and condition the next morning •• Repeat twice a month.

And lastly when all the washing styling has been done I finish my hair with this Tigi Bed Head Brunnette Goddess, to be fair I use this simply on the way It smells lol like a perfume a guess but It does add a gorgeous shine to the hair.
What Tigi say about their product
TIGI Bedhead Brunette Goddess Shine Spray is a weightless shine enhancing mist.
Spray It, shine It, flaunt It! Brunettes do It better! This lightweight mist has a non-greasy feel, enhances the look of natural or colour treated hair and works to strengthen hair.
So their we go my love for Tigi are their any products you swear by..? let me know :D
Each Range have their own products Im sure you all know what Im talking about!! no need to ramble their products speak for them selves. Their In hair salons for a reason!!, here a few of my faves what I use daily when I wash style etc.
So I'l start with what I use to wash my hair, Ive bin switching between the two Brunnette Goddess and the Self Absorbed.
I'd say I love the Brunnette Goddess a little more this smells gorg I wish they invented like smell o vision! lol, Their both just as good tho one being for Colourd hair and the other for Mega Nutrient. Im not to fusy what shampoo and conditioner I use most do the same I just want clean smooth shiny hair.
What Tigi say about their product
Brunnette Goddess Shampoo Enriched with Powerful Nutrients & Shine
Feed your inner goddess! Love being a brunette! Nutrient-rich formula gives ultimate shine and smoothness. Deliciously rich fragrance, goddess-like lather. Natural sunflower extracts protect against colour fading and harmful UV rays. Brunettes do it Better!.
Brunnette Goddess Conditioner Enriched with Powerful Nutrients & Shine
Feed your inner goddess! Our liposome delivery system releases nutrients Into your hair. Soy and wheat proteins retain moisture and revitalize shine. Panthenol strengthens your hair to help resist breakage and reduce split ends. Brunettes do It beter!.
What Tigi say about their product
Self Absorbed Mega Nutrient Shampoo
Power up as you shampoo! SELF ABSORBED mix of mega nutrients get out-of-shape or chemically treated hair physically fit. Flex your newfound strength. Flaunt the shine and body. You've worked hard to look this good. (Well, not really, but we won't tell!)
Self Absorbed Mega Nutrient Conditioner
Take two minutes to get a little Self Absorbed! Mega nutrients energize lazy, ho-hum hair. Plump up the body and shine. Work out the tangles and dry ends. Feed out-of-shape or chemically treated hair what It needs.
After ive washed by hair I leave It till Its damp then I use the Bed Head Small Talk 3-in-1 Thickifier Energizer Stylizer, how cute Is the bottle first of! :D lol and the smell blueberrys!!!!! I can tell a huge dif In my hair If I dont use It. Soon as ive put It through my hair I flip my hair upside down and blow dry my hair till dry volume body done!
What Tigi say about their product
Thickifier- adds body and volume. Energizer-gives life to limp hair. Stylizer- defines separates and controls. Blah, blah, blah..
Adds shine and controls frizz
Thermal protectant
Light to medium hold and manageability
To use Work In damp hair and style
Styleling my hair If I feel I need that bit of an extra lift I use this Tigi S Factor Body Booster Plumpling Spray. I apply it directly to my roots get my round blow drying brush get the hair dryer lift and curl untill I feel Ive achieved what I wonted. Ive not tryd this all over my hair yet maybe I'll give It a go.
What Tigi say about their product
This hair plumping spray gives big, soft, moveable body while providing protection from damage caused by heat and daily styling. Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein helps keep hair conditioned and repairs damage.
Use all-over for soft, moveable body or personalize the lift In your style by applying directly to the roots. May also be used as a second day re-styling product.
When useing my flat iron Heat Defender. I use this Tigi S Factor Flat Iron Shine Spray amazing product!! makes a massive diff to my hair when going through with my straingners and after, the shine smoothness this is a must!!. And again this smells yummy!.
What Tigi say about their product
This high tech thermal protectant provides a soft shine with a healthy finish while styling with a flat iron and also protects from daily UV rays. Vitamins A&E nourish the hair while acting as antioxidants to protect the hair from environmental damage.
For the most part I use this Tigi S Factor Smoothing Lusterizer Defrizzer & Tamer when I've done straighting my hair to keep frizz down, but I do sometimes use this after Ive washed my hair I do find I get through my hair better when I've applied this, cheak your hands when youve used this you will have beautiful hands lol theirs a real nice shimmer to the hair your'll know what I mean :D. Oh and I've you love strawberrys your'll love this.
What Tigi say about their product
Smoothing Lusterizer Is our most luxurious product and Is designed to lock In the hair’s natural moisture while humectants control fly-a-ways and tame frizz caused by humidity. This beautiful shimmer styling lotion contains mica. The ideal product for thick, porous hair.
Use daily In wet or dry hair
We all need some sort of treatment for our hair, I came across this Tigi Wonderful tonight Overnight Treatment for Damaged, Dry and Depleted Hair In Need of Intense Repair, and thought wow!! I need this. After haveing my hair striped by my self and at the salon coloured to meny times I cant even count Im defo sure my hair Is screaming out for some love!! I used this Thursday Its now Sunday and my hair still feels smooth its shiny less straw like then It would usually. If I remember I have a brain like a goldfish I try to use this once a week. This comes in a cute little box with a leaflet inside witch tells you more about the ingredient just have a look up on Keravis!! I dont think your be dissipointed.
What Tigi say about their product
Our dreaming hours are vital in order to regenerate our body and mind. But imagine if you could regenerate your hair at the same time... Well now you can. NEW Wonderful Tonight Overnight Treatment Is specially formulated to rejuvenate dry, damaged, depleted hair in need of intense repair - whilst you sleep.
Wonderful Tonight contains KERAVIS™, a miracle ingredient which Is proven to triple the strength of damaged hair. KERAVIS™ Is fused together with our luxury complex (also found In the Diamond Dreams range). Diamond dust and crushed pearl provide brilliant shine •• Champagne extract intensely moisturises and provides antioxidants •• Cashmere extract smoothes and softens to control frizz and flyaways.
Simply apply a small amount of product to dry hair before going to bed •• Work through the hair, concentrating on ends and dry areas until product Is absorbed •• Sweet dreams! •• Shampoo and condition the next morning •• Repeat twice a month.
And lastly when all the washing styling has been done I finish my hair with this Tigi Bed Head Brunnette Goddess, to be fair I use this simply on the way It smells lol like a perfume a guess but It does add a gorgeous shine to the hair.
What Tigi say about their product
TIGI Bedhead Brunette Goddess Shine Spray is a weightless shine enhancing mist.
Spray It, shine It, flaunt It! Brunettes do It better! This lightweight mist has a non-greasy feel, enhances the look of natural or colour treated hair and works to strengthen hair.
So their we go my love for Tigi are their any products you swear by..? let me know :D
Nite time drama
EEEEE ive had a boring weekend I mean what can you do without any pennies why not do a makeup look!!!! ha, dark dramtic perfect for nite time with huge lashes witch im really not a fan of I got them from Mac online and ya know you should always go to see products for real buying online is a risk, but yea here we go :D
Face Products used
Primer Nars**
Face & Body foundation MacFull Coverage foundation outer proportions of face Mac**
Concealer Select cover under the eyes blemishes ect Mac**
Loose Power colourless used all over face Shu Uemura**
Contour cheeks Harmony blush Mac*
Style blush Mac** followed by Trace Gold to highligh cheek bone Mac**
Eye Products used
Rice paper e/e all over lid to brow bone Mac**
Chocolate Brown pigment over the lid blending upwards and outwards slightly Mac**
Black Tied e/s over the lid again blending upwards and outward slightly, take Black Tied and go under the lower lashes also Mac**
In the crease Woodwinked e/s takeing it outwards also Mac**
Highlight Brule e/s under brow followed by HoneyLust e/s at the highest point of brow arch Mac**
Feline Eye Kohl Pencil top lash line, upper and bottom waterline Mac**
Lancome** Hypnose Mascara [Love love love this, id go far as saying its the best one ive ever used so far!!]
Finsish with some very wispy dramtic long lashes these are number 2 by Mac**
Lip Products Used
Lip Balm
Lip Erase Dim Mac**
Myth Lipstick Mac**
Florabundance Lipglass Mac**
hope you like :DDD

Face Products used
Primer Nars**
Face & Body foundation MacFull Coverage foundation outer proportions of face Mac**
Concealer Select cover under the eyes blemishes ect Mac**
Loose Power colourless used all over face Shu Uemura**
Contour cheeks Harmony blush Mac*
Style blush Mac** followed by Trace Gold to highligh cheek bone Mac**
Eye Products used
Rice paper e/e all over lid to brow bone Mac**
Chocolate Brown pigment over the lid blending upwards and outwards slightly Mac**
Black Tied e/s over the lid again blending upwards and outward slightly, take Black Tied and go under the lower lashes also Mac**
In the crease Woodwinked e/s takeing it outwards also Mac**
Highlight Brule e/s under brow followed by HoneyLust e/s at the highest point of brow arch Mac**
Feline Eye Kohl Pencil top lash line, upper and bottom waterline Mac**
Lancome** Hypnose Mascara [Love love love this, id go far as saying its the best one ive ever used so far!!]
Finsish with some very wispy dramtic long lashes these are number 2 by Mac**
Lip Products Used
Lip Balm
Lip Erase Dim Mac**
Myth Lipstick Mac**
Florabundance Lipglass Mac**
hope you like :DDD
Monday, 12 September 2011
You snob!!!!!
Quick easy make-up look sort of a soft smokey eye less of that heres the piccies!!!!
Face Products used
Bobbi Brown** face base
Smash Box** studioskin foundation amazing foundation btw :D
Make Up For Ever Full Cover concealer under the eyes
Bobbi Brown** loose powder
Msf natural outer proportions of the face Mac**
Laura Geller** Bronze N Brighten cheeks forhead chin
Highlight top of the cheebones Albatross by Nars**
Coutour Sin blush Nars** DollyMix blush cheek bone Mac**
Eye Products Used
Soba e/s over the lid working into the crease Mac**
Romp e/s Mac** starting from lash line working up slightly takeing It outwards also blend with soba e/s
Bobbi Brown Long Wear Gel Eyeliner top lash line and under bottom lashes takeing It just over half way, take Carbon e/s and go over the gel liner under the bottom lashes.
Take Cork e/s Mac under the bottom lashes into the cornor blending with the Carbon e/s Mac**
Nylon e/s tab just a lil right in the cornor of the eye Mac**
Highlight Brule e/s under the brow Mac**
Finish with false lashes these are Illamasqua** 017
Lip products used
Lip balm
Lip erase in dim by Mac**
Snob lipstcik my Mac**

Face Products used
Bobbi Brown** face base
Smash Box** studioskin foundation amazing foundation btw :D
Make Up For Ever Full Cover concealer under the eyes
Bobbi Brown** loose powder
Msf natural outer proportions of the face Mac**
Laura Geller** Bronze N Brighten cheeks forhead chin
Highlight top of the cheebones Albatross by Nars**
Coutour Sin blush Nars** DollyMix blush cheek bone Mac**
Eye Products Used
Soba e/s over the lid working into the crease Mac**
Romp e/s Mac** starting from lash line working up slightly takeing It outwards also blend with soba e/s
Bobbi Brown Long Wear Gel Eyeliner top lash line and under bottom lashes takeing It just over half way, take Carbon e/s and go over the gel liner under the bottom lashes.
Take Cork e/s Mac under the bottom lashes into the cornor blending with the Carbon e/s Mac**
Nylon e/s tab just a lil right in the cornor of the eye Mac**
Highlight Brule e/s under the brow Mac**
Finish with false lashes these are Illamasqua** 017
Lip products used
Lip balm
Lip erase in dim by Mac**
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How i do my brows
I got a question over the weekend about brows so I thought why not share how I do my own, I think im going to start posting on how I do my own make-up ie foundation, powder, bronzer, contour etc etc, hopefully to help
Back to brows Ive never had mine waxed threaded I pluck I do my own I dont think Id trust anyone to do them apart from my self but I have heard of this hd brows..? they really seem to know what their talking about but for the most part im happy the way mine are, I guess Im pretty lucky my brows are pretty thick I only pluck the top the bottom and the start once a week at the most following my natural shape, I dont know about you but why gurls over pluck I do not know then they wonder why they have to draw them on?!? unless thats the look your going for then so be It but personally I think it looks stupid. I know some people are less fortunate who have very fine brows but drawing them or..? or even worse shaveing them of!?! are you mad!!!!! no need what so ever.
Heres a step by step on how I do my own, If you think im doing this wrong or whatever then fair enuff you have your opinion but this is how i do them my self this will or wont work for some but for me it does.

Step 1 Pluck brows, i kinda just follow my natural shape plucking the hairs I dont wont mostly on the top, for anyone who Is interested In what I use to pluck I have the tweezerman tweezers.

Step 2 I defo prefer useing powder to a pencil I think pencils look to fake, to apply the colour to the brows I use a 266 small angled brush my mac witch Is perfect for brows, dont overload the brush with colour.

Step 3 Define the start of your brows a little, were your eye starts this is were your brows should start.

Step 4 Now define the top of your brows if you wont more of an angel to your browns angel the brush more.

Step 5 The tip/end of your brows should finish were your eye does if you take a brush and angel it at the side of your eyes thats where your brows should end, for me this Is were my hairs are the finiest, well less off.

Step 6 Now I set the brows useing mac's brow set in show-off clear coloured its up to you, this keep the brows In place mine can have a mind of their own lol.

An their we go brows done ive tryed to keep It simple as poss hope this helps guys :D. Oh and If anyone knows of Hd brows In the Oldham/Manchster area let me know, would love to see what they would do with mine.
Back to brows Ive never had mine waxed threaded I pluck I do my own I dont think Id trust anyone to do them apart from my self but I have heard of this hd brows..? they really seem to know what their talking about but for the most part im happy the way mine are, I guess Im pretty lucky my brows are pretty thick I only pluck the top the bottom and the start once a week at the most following my natural shape, I dont know about you but why gurls over pluck I do not know then they wonder why they have to draw them on?!? unless thats the look your going for then so be It but personally I think it looks stupid. I know some people are less fortunate who have very fine brows but drawing them or..? or even worse shaveing them of!?! are you mad!!!!! no need what so ever.
Heres a step by step on how I do my own, If you think im doing this wrong or whatever then fair enuff you have your opinion but this is how i do them my self this will or wont work for some but for me it does.
Step 1 Pluck brows, i kinda just follow my natural shape plucking the hairs I dont wont mostly on the top, for anyone who Is interested In what I use to pluck I have the tweezerman tweezers.
Step 2 I defo prefer useing powder to a pencil I think pencils look to fake, to apply the colour to the brows I use a 266 small angled brush my mac witch Is perfect for brows, dont overload the brush with colour.
Step 3 Define the start of your brows a little, were your eye starts this is were your brows should start.
Step 4 Now define the top of your brows if you wont more of an angel to your browns angel the brush more.
Step 5 The tip/end of your brows should finish were your eye does if you take a brush and angel it at the side of your eyes thats where your brows should end, for me this Is were my hairs are the finiest, well less off.
Step 6 Now I set the brows useing mac's brow set in show-off clear coloured its up to you, this keep the brows In place mine can have a mind of their own lol.
An their we go brows done ive tryed to keep It simple as poss hope this helps guys :D. Oh and If anyone knows of Hd brows In the Oldham/Manchster area let me know, would love to see what they would do with mine.
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